
i'm living with a boy

meet liam. when i moved in to my new place i swore i didn't want a roommate, and especially not a boy one, but this little man just won me over. he doesn't take up much space and except for the fact that i haven't gotten a good night's sleep since he came to live with me, he's been a great addition to the cottage!
whenever i get home it's playtime, but when i come back from the gym, we play really hard. the laces on my running shoes are one of his favorite toys. in fact, nearly everything in my house is a toy. including me and my hair.

eventually wild man calms down and snuggles. it's rare that he sits in my arms, though. usually he sits on my chest, head, or shoulders. i'm a human jungle gym.

then he wakes up and it's playtime again. that's my cell phone on the floor. he's that small. i keep worrying i'm going to step on him.

hungry man. so far, he hasn't been too upset that my mom bought him pink food bowls.

he falls off the couch a lot. it's not a surprise the way he teeters on the edge like this.

little man plays so hard that he literally just falls asleep all of a sudden. it's practically impossible to wake him up.

okay, so i think that's enough pictures of liam. i promise i won't become one of those annoying people that post 195357 of their pets and tell a million boring stories. but i couldn't resist at least one post about my sweet little guy. here are a few of my favorite things about him:

- he falls in the trash can in the bathroom almost every morning while i'm getting ready for work
- he cries the entire time i'm in the shower
- he is always waiting at the door when i get home
- he snuggles with me under the covers at night (after about an hour of pouncing on my face, that is)
- he likes to lick my eyelids

so it's official. i live by myself, i'm single and i have a cat that i love a little too much. does that make me a cat lady? if so, i think that's okay with me.


Annie said...

Chels he is TOOOOOO cute and I don't even like cats!

Ginny said...

He is adorable!!! He reminds me of Sneakers!!!