
blog block

you know how sometimes, when you stop going to the gym, it's reallllly hard to start again? the same thing seems to have happened to my blogging. not that i'm comparing blogging to working out - because thankfully it doesn't require that much effort, but lately i've neglected gym time and blog time like a champ. and it's very clear that i need to start both again.
on a positive note, i've enjoyed all of my extra time and filled it with lots of decorating, entertaining, and reading, which has given me ideas for lots of posts to come...

1. one of the best books i've ever read. get ready for some serious gushing.
2. the inn where i will most likely have my wedding someday
3. a very merry (ikea) christmas
4. my festive house (i've been working for two weeks now!)
5. christmas with the bestie's
6. lacey's trip to dc

so, welcome back to the blog world, me. unfortunately the ymca is still calling...

image via fourwallsandaroof.com

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