
haul out the holly

welcome to christmas here on the blog (and everywhere else)! it's finally here! i've been listening to christmas music, making lists, checking them twice, and clicking through endless pinterest posts since august getting ready for the next month, and i couldn't be more thrilled it's that time of year again. liam and i will be decking/wrecking (in liam's case) the halls at my house today and tomorrow and likely listening to the new christmas playlist i've added to the right... what's that you ask? is that justin bieber right next to sufjan stevens? why yes, yes it is. christmas music is pretty fantastic across the board - cheesy to traditional - and i've had fun combining a number of my most recent favorites and a few oldies but goodies. (yes, i also think "last christmas" by wham! is an absolute jam. the end.) i will admit on my blog loudly, clearly and for all to hear (because that's the best way to spread christmas cheer, after all) that i also really want the new justin bieber christmas album. there's just something festive about that kid. there, i said it.

so, turn on some christmas tunes, bake a batch of gingerbread, haul out the holly and hang up the stockings. because we need a little christmas now. it's going to be a goooooood month.

image via stylemepretty

1 comment:

Laura said...

Amen, sister!!