
sweet summertime - a post by lacey

it's not technically summer yet, is it? oh, well. it feels like it. i am not entirely in love with summer the way some people are. i'm more of the bundle up in a cozy winter blanket with a hot cup of coffee person, but surprisingly i am excited about summer this year. summer means icy drinks, flip flops in every color, and late sunsets. sushi nights downtown. huge sunglasses. skirts without tights. driving with the windows down. beach trips. yard sales. even if you're not a huge summer person, what about this season makes you happy?

image via www.joannagoddard.blogspot.com


sunday edition #2

happy summer sunday!

i am missing blogging so much lately - but i'm still deciding what type of computer i want to get and saving up my pennies. i have limited opportunities to blog without a working laptop but i wanted to say hello and let you know there will be much more to come soon!

have a wonderful rest of the weekend!

image via robinheather.typepad.com


parlez-vous français?

au revoir - pronounced "oh rev war", translates roughly "until we see each other again". the french use this to say good-bye.
while most of you most likely already know this phrase, it's appropriate this week as my brother's girlfriend gracie left the states last night to fly to paris for the summer. she's staying at a friends house near the arc de triomphe. when gracie offered to help with the chores and such to earn her keep she was informed "that's what the maids are for". she has a french class three days a week and otherwise no responsibilities.

an amazing summer in a paris apartment with maids and lots of time to wander narrow streets and drink cafe au lait in tiny cafés? je suis jalouse!
au revoir et bon voyage, gracie!

image via viamisscedar.tumblr3.com