
shop local, be sexy

in the wake of black friday's no-holds-barred commercial shopping frenzy, november 26th is small business saturday. meaning, don't go back to target for those last-few-things-on-your-list-that-wal-mart-sold-out-of-before-you-even-made-it-in-the-door-because-the-crazy-women-with-the-matching-sweatshirts-have-been-camped-out-since-wednesday-and-bitch-slapped-everyone-in-their way-en-route-to-the-doorbuster-deals. (yes, i've seen all all of these things happen on black friday. minus the bitch-slap. but i have seen plenty of pushing/shoving/yelling/cart-ramming/threatening/shoplifting/shoplifters busted. it's so sad/entertaining.) consider supporting local business by making at least one purchase that is privately/locally owned on saturday after you save lots of dollars on black friday. they may not have doorbuster deals, a flyer in the thanksgiving paper, festive ads on television or lines of eager shoppers out the door, but chances are your local businesses work harder and provide unique, quality gifts that say "merry christmas" a lot more effectively than the same scarf from gap that you're planning to give to four other people. i'm all for some serious bargain shopping and presents under the tree from target and anthro, but let's also be sure to support our local businesses together!

a few of my local (and not-so-nearby-local) favorites are listed/linked below. if i could shop at all of these places on saturday, i'd be a happy girl (and a broke one)...

paper skyscraper - charlotte, nc

the village store - davidson, nc

avalilly's - cornelius, nc

bless your heart/take heart - blowing rock, nc

swank coffee shop - southern pines, nc

mockingbird on broad, southern pines, nc

chocolatier barrucand - concord, nc

oak street mill - cornelius, nc

the depot at gibson mill - concord, nc

images: 1.allmoviephoto 2.hoodiecharlotte 3.jennifer mac 4.vipcitycard 5.wildflowersandcountryroads 6.swank 7.mockingbird 8.barrucandflickr 9.junkwild 10.depotgibsonmill

1 comment:

Josh said...

elliot asked if we can come up and small business shop with you on saturday. yes, you can bring your mom :)