
parlez-vous français?

dragée - prounounced drah-shay, refers to "sugar coated almond or hazelnut first mentioned in 1220. in france, dragées are traditionally given at baptisms, first communions and weddings." in america, the most commonly known type are called jordan almonds and are also associated with special occasions. the tradition of distributing them at a celebration dates back for centuries and is meant to ensure prosperity, fertility, happiness and good luck.
another type of dragée is the small, silver and gold decorative balls that are often used on christmas cookies and other baked goods.

usage examples:
1. i still have to pick up the cake and the dragées before i am ready for the shower tonight.
2. to decorate the cookies, she used a combination of fondant, homemade icing, and dragées.
3. excuse me sir, i am looking for dragées; do you carry them?

images: 1.martha stewart weddings 2.bhg.com quoted text via "french for le snob: adding panache to your everyday converstaions" by yvette reche, fall river press

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