rodney smith is celebrating the release of his new book, the end. i really like his photographs - i've used them before on my blog - but i'm somewhat unsure about the topic of this book. to quote rodney's pr people, it's about "time, god, death, feminine mystique, surrealism, ocular devices, mansions, pranks, and quakers run amok." either way, here's what he had to say about his party/book signing:
"Purchase your airline tickets now! Gas up the limousines and/or Mercedes station wagons. Secure your metro cards and Amtrak Tickets. Because you are officially invited to my book release party Wednesday night, September thirtieth.
Theory, the clothing line, will hold the book signing at its shop in the Bloomingdales Men Store on the lower level of the fifty-ninth and Lexington Avenue store in Manhattan. 6:00 to 8:00PM. Come buy a book. Or not. We can just meet and talk. And drink. Regardless I hope you can make it."
the book itself is super expensive, and again kind of creepy, but if i had the time (and ability to just travel whenever i felt like it), this sounds like a really fun party. maybe i'll just put my party dress on and have a drink in honor of it!
image via rodney smith
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