now that i have your attention, let's talk about YARD SALES! oh, you are so hooked now. like thrifting, yard saling is the better, more economical version of hitting the mall (and i do plenty of that too).
this past saturday i went yard saling with my parents. my mom and i have been yard salers for years. waking up at the crack of dawn on a saturday with coffee in one hand and a wad of cash in the other was normal. our mission? to find the deals! when she got re-married four years ago, our long-standing tradition was improved with the addition of dale (her new hubs and my step-dad) and a GPS. every friday during the summer, dale buys a paper and immediately opens to the classifieds section. after hunting the "apartments for rent" section and casually placing several ads on my bed (is he trying to tell me something?), he scours the yard sale listings. under strict orders from my mom to circle any ad with the phrases "moving sale: everything must go", "lots of miscellaneous odds and ends" and "multi family yard sale" he moves through the list like a pro, organizes the potentials in a word document, and types the addresses into his GPS. some saturdays, to be honest, are not so great. there may be a find here or there, but sometimes all you find are christmas ornaments from 1978 or, most likely, old golf clubs and golf balls, but if you stick it out and keep on trucking, eventually you hit the jackpot of yard sale saturdays. take a look at my most recent yard sale finds.

2 full bottles of clinique happy and clinique happy heart perfume for $2. a full bottle of clinique happy lotion for $2. a full bottle of tommy hillfiger true star gold perfume for $2.

a soap dispenser for $1. definitely not the most exciting purchase of the day, but it replaced an ugly plastic one that had been sitting in our bathroom for way too long.

a cloth closet organizer for $2. i can't believe i am posting a picture of my busting at the seams closet. even with the addition of the closet organizer, it remains pretty unorganized. actually, i think it's called "i have too much stuff crammed into my tiny closet, but i keep buying things to put in it."

a white vanity mirror. originally $15, but the lady let me buy it for $10. she said it was part of her wedding gift when she got married umpteen years ago. (she was old guys. really, really old. umpteen years is giving her some slack.)
there you have it. don't you want to go yard saling with me now? what great treasures have you found at yard sales?
until next week, lacey
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